
an ethical standard designed to guarantee everyone independent participation in cultural life.

the overall way of responding to thematic issues of accessibility, inclusion and equity.

Cultural mediation:
a cultural action strategy that uses custom-designed projects for and with distant publics in order to build bridges between them and cultural organizations or institutions.

Cultural organizations and institutions:
organizations of every type that participate in training, creation, production, performance and dissemination activities pertaining to the arts and culture.

all types of diversity, including, but not necessarily limited to, cultural, social, linguistic, cognitive, functional, artistic, corporal, sexual/gender, generational and regional diversity – in other words, the entire population with the inherent particularities and differences of its individual members.

the equitable or fair representation of all types of diversity in cultural organizations and institutions.

the use of educational and cultural mediation approaches to support the active participation of groups more distant from organizational and institutional sites.

Marginalized groups:
all groups that are systemically denied equal status in society.

a major thematic concept that can inform the understanding of issues and the responses to them.

all the varied and constantly changing social groups reached by the programming of cultural organizations and institutions.